Welcome to my blog!

I love having a blog - it's a great way to share recent sessions and share a bit more of my personality!  

If you are looking for your "Sneak-Peek" and don't see it right away, scroll down the page.  It may be because I have posted another "Sneak-Peek" already.

Please feel free to browse the archives.  Oh yea - I LOVE COMMENTS!!!  

Friday, August 8, 2008

"D" Family Sneak-Peek!

I had fun on Monday with the "D" Family. We traipsed around The Shakespeare Festival (which, BTW, happens to be showing my favorite musical of all time - "Into the Woods") and shared in stories and laughter.

The first photo is of Family "T". We took some time at the beginning with this family. The little boy and girl were very active and enjoyed their soccer ball very much! They also enjoyed showing "C" all the new bugs they found. Ick. Sorry, kiddos, but I am not a fan of bugs...

The rest of the photos are of the "D" family. What a beautiful bunch of people, both inside and out. The love and respect and honor for one another was something to admire. I really hope to raise my children as well as Oma did :). Thank you for letting me take a peek into your lives.

Now - - here's your peek :D. Consider yourselves loved...


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of the kids and I. Can't wait until I can see the rest!


Ashki said...

Thanks, "T" :). It was great fun hanging out with you three!

CYndee ><>