I had a blast shooting this wedding last weekend! I shot Alaina & Levi's engagement photographs a few weeks ago. It made me super excited to shoot their wedding. We ended up using their photographs to make a guest signature book. Have you seen those? They are so cool - I'll have to post a pic sometime soon! Click
HERE to view the engagement pictures.
We began our day at a suite in The Grove Hotel. The Suite was Sweet! HA! - okay - bad pun. I love "getting ready" shots. It really helps tell the story of your day...Alaina had most of her hair done when I got to the hotel and it looked absolutely gorgeous! I love her hair :). She finished getting ready and we headed down to the lobby where she would meet her "soon-to-be" groom. After their time of connection, we headed out to the Boise Depot for photographs.

I have little tricks to try to get people to loosen up. As much as I love photography, I understand that smiling for so long can get old after awhile. So - I do things to try to get people to give me sincere expressions. I love this result of one of my tricks. No - I will not reveal my secrets!

We headed back out to The Grove for the wedding on The Terrace. My second shooter, Valerie Davenport, made sure to get these beautiful shots of The Terrace before the wedding. It was beautifully decorated. We had clear blue skies and a lot of friends and family to witness this lovely couple becoming one!

After the wedding, we headed to the Ballroom for the reception. There was an amazing "Grand Entrance" for the guests. It was grand indeed! The flowers, the linens, the settings, the lighting. It was just beautiful!

The wedding included another masterpiece by
Greg Marsh. His cakes not only look good - they taste great, too!

Two of my favorite guests from the whole evening were Alaina's Mana & Papa. They were just absolutely darling. I *heart* them both.

However - as much as I love Mana & Papa, I still have enough love left over for the rest of the guests...

We ended the evening with a great dance by Alaina & Levi. Dancing continued with Levi & Mom and Alaina & Dad. No matter how many times I see these dances, I cry at almost every single one. I love these dances...they are so touching...and as a Mama myself, I now understand the feeling of the parent.

Boy - could these two cut-up-a-rug!!!

Thanks, Alaina & Levi, for letting me be a part of your special day! Enjoy your Sneak-Peek and consider yourselves loved!