Welcome to my blog!

I love having a blog - it's a great way to share recent sessions and share a bit more of my personality!  

If you are looking for your "Sneak-Peek" and don't see it right away, scroll down the page.  It may be because I have posted another "Sneak-Peek" already.

Please feel free to browse the archives.  Oh yea - I LOVE COMMENTS!!!  

Friday, October 12, 2007

My Awesome Nephew's Sneak-Peek!!!

Perhaps you can sense my bias in this post :D. This is my handsome nephew, Ben. I was twelve when he was born and he will graduate from Borah in just a few months... I can hardly believe this is the same little newborn I used to coddle for hours. He has grown up to be such a fine young gentleman. It is an honor to be his aunt.

Enjoy your Sneak-Peek, Benny. Love you, Guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE his glasses-tell him they rock! lol Can you tell I'm stalking late at night! haha
Great work as usual lady!