If you are stopping by to see Tara & Ben's Sneak Peek, please leave a comment for the couple at the end of this post.
I had such a blast with this wonderful family. I seriously have been so blessed by my brides, grooms and their families. You all have been so stinkin' sweet :).
Tara and Ben got married in Fruitland, ID. We began the day photographing Tara getting ready in her mother's master bedroom. I spied a beautiful photo of Tara's Mom and Dad at their own wedding several years before. Tara's father sadly passed away about a year ago, and I knew this was a perfect opportunity to have him in one of her wedding photographs...

Then I headed over to visit the boys getting ready - or...playing cards, really. They all looked so handsome in their tuxes and green ties!!! I love green!

Tara and Ben met at Sally's house for their time to connect before the wedding. Ben waited patiently as Tara drove up to the home with her mom. When he turned around to see her for the first time that day, I could tell that he was enamored by her beauty! He held out his hand to help her up to the porch and they embraced! It was really wonderful to see. I have the best job in the world!!!

We headed back to The O'Dell Ranch, where Tara and Ben would exchange vows. There was amazing scenery all around. It was sooo gorgeous. We couldn't finish our bride and groom session without getting a shot of Tara's first baby in the background :). For us city folks, that's a horse.

I don't do a lot of processing like this, but I had to play with this shot. I am sooo excited about how this turned out. Tara and Ben - I hope you order this as a HUGE canvas - it would be absolutely stunning :).

I saw more blue eyes at this wedding than I have ever seen before. And - they weren't just blue. The Junior Bridesmaids had eyes that were crystal blue - almost transparent. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! Then - at the wedding, I kept seeing people with just gorgeous eyes. What kind of water do y'all drink in Fruitland ;)?

We took the bridal party out to the field. Look how the sun flare was going right to the couple. It was almost as if Daddy was looking down on his baby girl...he was there with her.

The bridesmaids came to the wedding in a horse and carriage. It was so cool! I loved how these men totally fit the scene, too. Okay - maybe it's normal in Fruitland to see cowboys runnin' around, but not in the city :).

The wedding was short and sweet. This officiator had married Tara's parents and sister and brother. Ben had crafted the arbor for the wedding. It's sentimental touches like these that make a wedding so personal.

Tara loves color (so do I!) and it turned out fabulously to have that much color!!! I just loved it!

A few dancing photos...the two of you danced beautifully!

I hope you've enjoyed your Sneak-Peek, Tara & Ben! I had such a blast not only at your wedding, but getting to know you through these last few months. Happy Marriage and consider yourselves loved...