Here a couple of my favorite responses to my question "How would your family be able to communicate diversity in photographs?":
"Our Family represents all the Army National Guard Families. My husband is an Apache helicopter pilot and served in the war for a year and a half from 2005-2007. We represent the dedication and commitment to each other as a family as well as our country."
"Our Family is the 'new' and upcoming American Family as we have an adopted daughter from China. We also reflect diversity in that we gave Josiah [son who has down-syndrome] life and legitimacy as a person who has value."
"We are a brand new family built through the miracle of adoption. Our inter-racial family doesn't match, but we definitely fit perfectly together."
What are y'all trying to do to me??? You know, I sit here again, bawling as I'm typing your responses. :).
Thank you to everyone who applied :).
Here are the people who were chosen to represent "diversity" in the model search. I will be getting hold of each of you within the next week to set up a date and time for your "mini-session".
By the way - in case you missed it the first time, we have a little bit of diversity in our family as well :).
Here's Grandpa Art and his "Guide Kid", Julius. Art has lost his sight and it is pure joy for both of them to share in this activity! The Handsome Guy on the left is Julius' Great Grandpa.

The Hunka-Hunka-Burnin'-Love is My Guy on the left. My Sweet Little One is on the right.

This is me and one of my favorite boys :).