Don't look at what time it is. Okay, you can look, but don't judge :). I's far too late for me to be writing in my blog, especially the night before church, but in my defense, I am not feeling up to par and I haven't been able to sleep since 2:00. I did go to bed at 8:00 p.m., though, so I have been getting my rest!
Okay, okay. On to my hacker. So, the other day I was sitting here at the computer with the most beautiful child in the world (my son) and he was trying like mad to get onto my computer keyboard. We have another wireless keyboard that Lumuli (hubby) uses for his laptop. Well, it was in a completely different room than my hubby, so I thought I would let Julius enjoy the keyboard. He was so stinkin' cute, I had to go downstairs to tell Lumuli to come up and see his darling son. I went into the room where Lumuli was studying and he was looking all panicked. He was like, "Oh Honey! Someone is hacking in to my computer. Look at it!" (the screen and contents were jumping around like crazy). "Babe," I said, "you have to come upstairs". He didn't understand what was so important about him coming upstairs when his computer was going to crash any minute.
Hubby came upstairs to find Julius, the Hacker, on the keyboard.
Aha! So it was Julius who went on to my computer and made all my site data disappear. My kid is BRILLIANT!