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I love having a blog - it's a great way to share recent sessions and share a bit more of my personality!  

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Look What Lumuli Did For Julius!!!

Awww...I love my family :). Since Julius came into the world about 2 1/2 months early, our good intentions of painting a mural on his wall got put on the back burner. Lumuli's been done with school for about two weeks and he goes back in just a week, so he thought yesterday would be a good time to pull through on his good intentions. This is what he came up with! Isn't it just darling!!! The first time we took Julius in there, he cried, not sure of what happened to his room. But as you can tell from the photographs below, he got used to it. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

pretty sure your blog is adorable~ I stumbled across it from the mailer advertisment for ashki. Wow! You are amazing. I'll definetly keep you in mind for future photographs!