Gracious, it's been awhile! Sorry I have been silent, but our boy was VERY VERY ill last week. In fact, three consultations and a session were postponed because of his illness. We ended up having to have him admitted to the hospital on Friday. Thank the Lord he didn't have RSV, but he had gotten so sick that he became extremely dehydrated. It was sooo sad to see him so down.
Anyway, we think he may have gotten sick because we attended the Obama rally. It was certainly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but had we to do it over again, we would have left Julius with Grandma and Grandpa. He would have had more fun, anyway!!!
I'm posting the shots from Obama's rally first, but we also had Julius' b-day party that day. I'll post his invite a little later. I was super proud of it *blush*.