Welcome to my blog!

I love having a blog - it's a great way to share recent sessions and share a bit more of my personality!  

If you are looking for your "Sneak-Peek" and don't see it right away, scroll down the page.  It may be because I have posted another "Sneak-Peek" already.

Please feel free to browse the archives.  Oh yea - I LOVE COMMENTS!!!  

Friday, February 22, 2008

Sneak-Peek for Miss "G"

This is the second time I've photographed Miss "G". She is such a sweet little girl! She is turning "one" this week, so we had to get her in her party hat!

Thanks, Erin, for letting me photograph your beautiful little girl! She is so sweet :). Consider yourself loved...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Boy's Birthday Card!

As I promised you before, I'm uploading the Birthday Card for my Boy's 1st birthday. Yes...he did turn 12 months old on November 1st, but because of busyness with Lumuli's education and other things, we chose to wait. Before we knew it, he was 14 months old and we still hadn't thrown a birthday party for him. In hopes to redeem myself as a mother, I wrote a poem for the birthday card.

Mom and Dad, they love me.
They love me quite a lot.
But did you know, when I turned one,
My birthday they forgot?

"Forgot" may be too strong a word,
Perhaps they just "postponed".
But here we are in January
And I'm 15 months old!

November 1st has come and gone,
And finally at last!
I will get my birthday party,
I will get to wear my hat!

So won't you come and celebrate,
Spend an hour with me?
After all, by my next birthday,
I may be age THREE!!!

Anyway, enjoy the card and, of course, the photographs of the most beautiful boy in the world (other than yours, of course) :). BTW...these kinds of photo cards are available with your session! Several samples are available.

Here's the front.

Here's what you see when you open it up.

Here's the back.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Gracious, it's been awhile! Sorry I have been silent, but our boy was VERY VERY ill last week. In fact, three consultations and a session were postponed because of his illness. We ended up having to have him admitted to the hospital on Friday. Thank the Lord he didn't have RSV, but he had gotten so sick that he became extremely dehydrated. It was sooo sad to see him so down.

Anyway, we think he may have gotten sick because we attended the Obama rally. It was certainly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but had we to do it over again, we would have left Julius with Grandma and Grandpa. He would have had more fun, anyway!!!

I'm posting the shots from Obama's rally first, but we also had Julius' b-day party that day. I'll post his invite a little later. I was super proud of it *blush*.