For those of you who have actually had your photographs taken by me, you have heard Apple Horse's music. They are a fusion of musical flavors - kind of a "folk meets indie-art". Just a totally rockin-awesome band. And no - it's not just because one of these studs is my nephew, but because they have music that is good for your soul!!!
Well, Apple Horse competed at "Battle of the Bands" a few weeks ago at the Venue and won! On February 14th, they will compete yet again for a grand prize of $1000 (which will be used to help cut their CD). It's an audience-selected winner, so I would love to see y'all out there!!! Tell you what - if you go that night, tell me and I'll give you 50% off a portrait session fee if you book by the 20th!
Anywho---I offered to do some promotional band photographs for them since they have been so kind as to let me use their music for my portrait slideshows. We went out this week to take some shots and I had SO.MUCH.FUN!!! Not only is their sound one of a kind, but each one of these guys has character - GOOD character.
You need to listen to their music - it's
Here are some shots from the evening. Thanks, Guys, for letting me part of your evening and for helping me "Break the Rules"...